ICBC Claims

by | Nov 15, 2022

ICBC Claims


So, you’ve been in a motor vehicle accident (MVA) and you’re attempting to submit an ICBC claim. Not a good feeling. Your car has likely taken on some damage, you’re feeling banged up, and now you need to organize car repairs and healthcare appointments. This blog post is meant to help you with organizing your healthcare appointments following a MVA. 


South Island Physiotherapy is here to assist you in rehabilitating from injuries sustained from your MVA. Immediately following your accident, ICBC will cover Physiotherapy (25 visits), Registered Massage Therapy (12 visits), and Kinesiology (12 visits). These services will help you navigate the early stages of pain and injury, develop resiliency, and assist you in returning to pre-accident levels of function. Throughout the course of treatment, should your practitioner determine that you require additional treatment, an extension request will be submitted to ICBC so that you receive the care you deserve. 


If you’ve experienced a MVA and you’re ready to get your health back on track, here are the steps you should follow: 


Step one: after a crash, report your claim to ICBC 


Step two: book an initial assessment with a practitioner  


Step three: the practitioner will create a detailed treatment plan specific to your needs and stage of healing 


Step four: follow the prescribed treatment plan 


Step five: recover from pain, injury, and return to pre-accident levels of function 


For those that do best with visual explanations, here’s an infographic communicating the same information but in different form: 


A Motor Vehicle Accident and ICBC claims can be complicated, but your recovery doesn’t need to be. Using the information above, you should find the process of submitting a claim, booking treatment, and recovering from injury a little bit easier. The practitioners at South Island Physiotherapy have the experience and knowledge to assist you in recovery. Book now and let us help you get back to the life you love. 


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